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We have some services available for family members.
- Site aliases
This site has several aliases. All aliases point to the same address so you can choose to use either of them. The same applies for email addresses.
Current names are the following: abecasis.org, abecassis.org, abecasis.info and
- Email forwarding
If you want an email address like firstname@abecasis.org or
firstname@abecassis.org (or the same with .info) just send an email to the address in the end of this page.
This is just an email alias so it will forward all messages to your actual email address.
If you are an Abecasis or Abecassis family member the email alias is completely free.
- Mailing lists
A mailing list for important family information has been created.
Feel free to join, please check the link above for more information.
Click to subscribe to Abecasis / Abecassis family mailing list